Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Home Exterior Maintenance

Fall is an excellent time to inspect your home's exterior before the change of seasons brings on the chill of winter.  The following items should be addressed:
  • Examine all windows and doors for missing caulk and weather striping.
  • Inspect the sides of the home for cracks or missing siding.
  • If the paint is worn or peeling, fall with its cooler temperatures is the perfect time to scrape off the old and replace it with a new coat.
  • Add more insulation to the attic of the house. Most homes come with room to add more insulation. 
  • Replace old single-pane windows with new double or triple-pane windows. 
Addressing these issues can keep your home warm and comfortable on the inside, as well as lower utility bills.  While the winter outside is cold and frightful, you'll be glad you tackled the problems early.

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