Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Radiator Leak Repair

A leak in a radiator can be repaired without removing it from the vehicle as long as it is not a large leak. This can be done with a bottle of Bars Leaks Liquid Radiator Sealant.  You can purchase this product at any local auto parts store.

Follow these instructions when using this type of sealant: 
  1. Let the engine cool down.
  2. Remove radiator cap and add a bottle of Bars Leaks to the radiator. 
  3. Replace radiator cap.
  4. Start engine and let it warm up. 
  5. Drive the vehicle for a minimum of 30 minutes. 
  6. Check for any leaks under the vehicle and by examining the coolant level.
Note:  Be sure that you know what type of radiator your vehicle has as the Bars Leaks sealants come in a variety of types:  those for aluminum, copper, and plastic.

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