Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Electricity Saving Tips

  • Upgrade to a Digital Thermostat:
Upgrading your thermostat from analog to digital will give you better temperature control and allow you to program the desired temperature during different parts of the day. Whether it is summer, winter, fall or spring, programming your thermostat to predetermined temperatures can help conserve energy usage and save you money on your electric bill each month.
  •     Adjust or Upgrade the Water Heater:
Approximately 20 percent of your electric bill comes from hot water heating. Try experimenting with your water heater temperature settings by turning the temperature down to 110 degrees (120 degrees is normal). Most people will not be able to tell much of a difference in the water temperature, and the reduced heat setting will save you money month after month. Upgrading to a solar-powered or tankless hot water heater will also make a large impact on your bill. Consider this option if it fits in your budget; remember, it is an investment, not an expense.  Your television, computer, and other electronic devices use electricity when they are plugged in, even if the device is turned off. Consider getting a surge protector for electrical items or unplugging them when they are not in use. Plugged in electronics can add around 10 percent to your energy bill when not in use.
  •     Upgrade Light Bulbs to CFLs:
 With the extended life of CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) and the energy savings associated with them, there is little wonder why many people have upgraded their lighting to them. CFLs can last up to 15 times longer than incandescent light bulbs and consume much less energy. By upgrading your lighting to CFLs, you can save 10 to 15 percent on your monthly energy bill.

Those these are cheap fixes, they will greatly reduce the amount of money flowing out of the budget each month.  

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