Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fixing Frozen Car Doors

1.  Chip away ice from the cracks of the door and the door lock. Sometimes a thin layer of ice is all it takes to prevent the door from opening.

2.  Unlock the door. If the lock is frozen, hold your key over a lighter for 15 seconds to heat it up, and insert the key into the lock. It may take more than one attempt to completely thaw it out. If the door still won't open, move on to the next step.

3.  Pour windshield wiper fluid into the cracks of the door and on the door handle, where the seals can freeze over in harsh conditions. Since the cracks are small, only a very thin layer of ice can form, so it doesn't take much effort to melt it.

4.  Hook up a hair dryer to an extension cord and blow hot air into the cracks of the door and the handle until the ice melts. Be cautious about blowing hot air onto a cold window, as the extreme temperature fluctuation could cause it to crack.

(Information provided by

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